1. Why does a fire truck respond to my house when I call for an ambulance?
The Charlton Fire Department provides first response emergency medical services to the
residents of the Charlton Fire District. Often the fire department can be at your home and
providing lifesaving treatment before an ambulance gets there. On serious medical calls we will
ride into the hospital with the ambulance crew and continue to assist in providing patient care.
residents of the Charlton Fire District. Often the fire department can be at your home and
providing lifesaving treatment before an ambulance gets there. On serious medical calls we will
ride into the hospital with the ambulance crew and continue to assist in providing patient care.
2. What medical services does the Charlton Fire Department provide?
CFD is one of the most progressive first response fire departments in Saratoga County. We
provide a wide range of BLS (basic life support) medications and procedures including
Epinephrine for allergic reactions, Narcan for opiate overdoses, Aspirin for chest pain patients
and CPAP for patient with congestive heart failure. All of our fire apparatus carry automatic
external defibrillators (AED), first response medical equipment and medications.
provide a wide range of BLS (basic life support) medications and procedures including
Epinephrine for allergic reactions, Narcan for opiate overdoses, Aspirin for chest pain patients
and CPAP for patient with congestive heart failure. All of our fire apparatus carry automatic
external defibrillators (AED), first response medical equipment and medications.
3. What other emergencies do you respond to other than fire and EMS calls?
In addition to fire and EMS calls, CFD responds to motor vehicle accidents, carbon monoxide in a residence, natural gas leaks, HAZMAT calls and severe weather emergencies including power lines down and trees across a roadway.
4. What do I do if I smell gas in my house?
You need to get out of your house immediately and call 911 for the fire department to
respond. Call 911 outside or at a neighbor’s house as phone usage in a residence filled with
combustible gases such as propane or natural gas can cause the gas to ignite.
respond. Call 911 outside or at a neighbor’s house as phone usage in a residence filled with
combustible gases such as propane or natural gas can cause the gas to ignite.
5. My smoke detector or Carbone Monoxide detector is chirping, what does that mean?
Most smoke detectors will chirp to alert you that the batteries are low in the detector. Simply
replace the batteries and test the detector. If this doesn’t fix the problem then the detector
most likely will need to be replaced. You can purchase both smoke and CO detectors in any
hardware store.
replace the batteries and test the detector. If this doesn’t fix the problem then the detector
most likely will need to be replaced. You can purchase both smoke and CO detectors in any
hardware store.
6. How often should I change the batteries out of my smoke detector?
Its recommended that you replace the batteries in your smoke detector at least once a year.
However, newer smoke detectors that are powered by a 10-year lithium (or “long-life”) battery
do not require the battery to be replaced.
However, newer smoke detectors that are powered by a 10-year lithium (or “long-life”) battery
do not require the battery to be replaced.
7. When should I replace my smoke detector?
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and the U.S. Fire Administration recommend you
replace your smoke detector 10 years after the date of manufacture. You can easily find the
date of manufacture on the back of the detector.
replace your smoke detector 10 years after the date of manufacture. You can easily find the
date of manufacture on the back of the detector.
8. Why does the fire department block roadways and not allow traffic through?
CFD blocks roadways only when necessary. Typically we shut roadways down during
operations at a structure fire so that firefighters can safely fight the fire. We also often close
roadways when powerlines or trees are down to protect the public from these hazards.
operations at a structure fire so that firefighters can safely fight the fire. We also often close
roadways when powerlines or trees are down to protect the public from these hazards.
9. Can I burn leaves in my backyard?
Burning leaves is banned in all of New York State.
10. I have questions regarding open burning in my yard?
Please refer to New York State DEC for questions regarding open burning in New York. The
following is a link to DEC Questions and Answers regarding open burning, but if this doesn’t
help feel free to contact CFD and we will be happy to further assist you with any questions you
following is a link to DEC Questions and Answers regarding open burning, but if this doesn’t
help feel free to contact CFD and we will be happy to further assist you with any questions you